
Posts uit mei, 2012 tonen
Working the nightshift @ my studio
25th of May, 20 x 30 cm & 30 x 20 cm. oil on linen @ my studio 
New (oil) painting, 30 x 20 cm. @ my studio
New painting (oil), 20 x 30 cm., 18 th of May @ my studio
New painting, 20 x 30 cm., 9th of may 2012 
Bem-vindo!! No outono regressarei a Portugal, para uma residência artística e uma exposição individual em Évora. Este exibição irá mostrar o meu trabalho (pinturas de arte gráfica e azulejaria) inspirado em Portugal, nas sua gentes, na geografia e na cultura portuguesa. Prevejo também, durante este período, editar uma publicação sobre a influência de Portugal no meu trabalho. Estou, por este motivo, a reunir participantes para um novo livro sobre esta grande influência portuguesa no meu trabalho. As pessoas interessadas em participar na publicação, e caso sejam selecionadas, receberão uma cópia da mesma, sendo o seu nome mencionado e, como forma de agradecimento, poderão escolher uma pintura a óleo, da minha autoria, de 20 x 30 cm (com um valor aprox. de 750 euros). Por este motivo, tenho um novo blog, que vos convido a visitar: Já tenho alguns dos quadros exibidos neste blog. Talvez você esteja interessado em ingressar, ou talvez você c...
One of the new paintings 20 x 30 cm., 5th of May @ my studio
One of the new paintings 20 x 30 cm., 3 th of May 2012

Atelier, 2 mei 2012

Atelier, 2 mei 2012 Schilderijen van 20 x 30 cm. ; klaar en bijna klaar ; morgen weer verder aan de slag op atelier
english version Ingrid Simons in Portugal I would love to make a beautiful publication about the influence of my residencies in Portugal on my my paintings, graphic art, and it has been the starting point of my ceramic works, my azulejos. In the fall of 2012, after my solo exhibition in Evora this year, and my third residency in Portugal, I will be starting composing this publication. I hope to present this publication in the beginning of 2013. To be able to realize this publication I am searching for sponsors. If you are interested to participate in realizing this publication, by supporting it with € 250,-, your name will be mentioned in the publication, and you will receive the publication, and also, as a big thank you for supporting this publication, you can choose an oil painting of 20 x 30 cm. in my studio. These paintings I am making specially for this occasion (otherwise these paintings cost € 750,-). When you are interested to participate in realizing this publicati...

Azulejos door Ingrid Simons

           Azulejos door Ingrid Simons Ik ben Ingrid Simons, beeldend kunstenaar. Ik ben schilder en graficus, en ben sinds mijn eerste bezoek aan Portugal in 2010, geintrigeerd geraakt door de traditie van de azulejos. Dit zijn keramische tegels, witte tegels met een schildering in azul (blauw pigment). In Portugal zijn deze azulejos te zien in paleizen, binnenplaatsen, etc, meestal grote schilderingen, op een vlak van kleine, witte tegels, meestal naar aanleiding van historische vertellingen. Eerst ben ik gaan rondreizen om zoveel mogelijk azulejo’s te zien, onder andere in Estremoz, Sintra, Lisboa, Evora en Redondo. Tijdens mijn werkperiodes in Portugal in 2010 en 2011, ben ik daarna zelf met deze techniek aan de gang gegaan. Ik heb in Portugal een keramiekmeester gevonden, die voor mij tableaus van 40 x 30 cm. heeft gemaakt, die ik met zijn materialen geschilderd heb (zie de 3 foto’s hierboven voor de resultaten). Vervolgens he...
Impressie gemaakt door Ludger van der Eerden (OBRAS-art) van mijn residency in 2011
Het begin is gemaakt! De eerste handgemaakte doekjes van 20 x 30 cm. hebben hun eerste verf toegediend gekregen.