New azulejos & vases
It were perfect summer temperatures and a lot of work the last week!
I seriously worked night and day, designing, preparing and painting all the new vases and azulejos.
I had so much ideas that I wanted to experiment with, of course for my ceramics investigation.

The azulejos I all painted in the studio of Mestre Xico last week, and all the vases I took back to Obras to paint. This time I could also experiment with different shapes of vases thanks to the mestre.
Also with the azulejos, not only blue, also black azulejos, and even a big sized azulejo!
It was so nice to do, to be able to fully concentre on this beautiful technique!
This weekend and tomorrow the vases and azulejos are fired, fingers crossed! 
And more will follow in the Netherlands for sure!
First some photos of enjoing the evening sun with all of our friends at Fundacao Obras, then the 'trabalho douro' photos for this project.

Next weekend I will be following a masterclass on the classical technique of painting the azulejos in Redondo (Pt).

Azulejos & Vases project :




Thank you Mestre!


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